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Let The Rainbow Remind You: Rainbow Rocks Review

On September 27th, me and a friend went to the theatres to see this movie. And, you know what?


Hey... look over... SPOILER ALERT!

So the movie starts off at the other side of the Alternate Equestria where everypony turns out to be humans just like in the first movie! And then we get these three girls who turns out that they were banished to that place. But by who? Who cares though! KABOOM! They see the transformation of Sunset Shimmer from afar and the rainbow attack on her. They then realize that Equestrian magic is now in that realm they were banished to years ago.

Cut to Canterlot High a year or a half later, Sunset Shimmer is still trying to redeem herself but she gets poked at for becoming an evil she-demon who wanted to take over Equestria with an army of teenage zombies. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna come in and announce that they will be having a high school musical and are bound to make it bigger than the Fall Formal from the first movie.

They go through a catchy song with most of the human Mane Six playing the song with Twilight excluded since she isn't there, she's back in Equestria since the portal closed. And then all of a sudden... our waifu stealer Flash comes in.

Dammit Flash, get out of here. You're nothing but trouble. Thank Celestia he's there for only a few seconds!

Sunset Shimmer is then called down to the high school entrance to meet the same three girls that were in the beginning of the movie. The three girls turning out to be villains named Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze. Sunset eventually gets suspicious about their behaviour which eventually leads into another song sung by the villains about wanting to have a battle of the bands.

This gets the Mane Six, excluding Twilight but including Sunset Shimmer very suspicious and decide why they would want to have this battle. They go to notify Principal Celestia about it, but she is under the Dazzling spell. So Sunset does what she does at best, write a letter in a book hoping it will reach Princess Celestia in Equestria!

Time warp, we arrive in Equestria! Twilight and her friends are looking through the new books and one of them vibrates like a cell phone. So you're telling me that if I brought a cell phone to Equestria, it would turn into a book that vibrates. Who cares? Equestria logic!

We find out that the Dazzlings are actually sirens that were bent on controlling everypony in Equestria to do thier bidding and fight endlessly. Starswirl the Bearded who we never see turns out to have banished them. So what does Twilight do? Make a portal to the Alternate Equestria and her and Spike go right through. Huzzah! We got a talking dog again!

At first, they decide to use the power of friendship at the Dazzlings. But it somehow doesn't work. *gasp* But Twilight decides that they should play a song that can counter the spell of the Sirens.

Maud Pie appearance ahoy! Though she only says one line. She likes Rocks. But I bet she'll like what I like.

So they get past the first two competitions: antics ensue and more rants from the Great and Powerful Trixie herself. It's so sad she doesn't even mention peanut butter crackers anymore.

But somehow the Dazzlings convince Celestia and Luna to allow them to be there for them at the battle of the bands. That's when the real tough stuff comes in. The sirens want to feed off of the Equestrian magic and break them in hostility in order to get them. For one, Flash Sentry makes himself more arrogant to Twilight. (Thank Celestia! She doesn't need him, you know who she belongs to!) And then ruining the stage experience during the tryouts while their band: The Rainbooms perform. Sunset during the second tryout thankfully stops human Rainbow Dash before she can wield her equestrian magic.

But *gasp*! They fall into a trap and are forced to listen as the Dazzlings proceed with their plan. But Spike and Vinyl Scratch get them out... why? Spike is a talking dog, that's why!

They begin to musically battle the Dazzlings, which reveal their true siren form and weaken the Rainbooms. Sunset Shimmer then takes the microphone and begins to sing with them, revealing a giant-ass alicorn god in the sky, which vaporizes the siren's holographic forms and destroys the gems that controlled their strength the whole time. They run off.

Hurray! The day is saved once again- Oh no... don't tell me. No... please no. Twilight gets a hug from Flash Sentry which unleashed an outcry from me and another brony. I swear my friend next to me was going to restrain me to my seat if they... Please don't tell me it's a pesky romantic emotion scene. No... they're going to- TRIXIE SAVED THE DAY! Beat that Flash Sentry, ya damn waifu stealer!

Twilight says goodbye to her friends with Pinkie pulling an antic where she just looks directly through the portal. Sunset Shimmer is redeemed and starts writing letters to Princess Twilight just like when Twilight wrote letters to Princess Celestia when she was still her student.

A scene with the REAL human version of Twilight pops in the post-credits which hints another sequel. Hooray! The movie is over!

Overall: I thought it was a great movie, minus every single scene with Flash Sentry. Well, one scene I liked is how angry he is about his band losing in the giant competition. I must have let out a laugh when he lost. It had great characters and lots of people are saying it's an improvement over the first film. Really, cause I think this film and the first one was fantastic... except for Flash Sentry.

(Dammit Pinkie, there's nothing to be so happy about in this situation. But if Flash kisses Twilight, I'm outta here.)


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