Hello once again, it's me. After having delayed on playing it since I got the game on Christmas Day back in 2015 and it took me a while but after friends convinced me to play it I finally picked it up and decided to play it. It's good considering that I should take a bit of a break from the Fallout 4 craze at the moment. As you usually know, it's a tradition for me to not go straight to Multiplayer at first, but more rather head straight into the Campaign at first because when I first started playing Halo from when I got my first one "Halo 3" back in 2007, it's always been something for me to do the story first, play online later. Now that I've had a chance to play the campaign, I can do a review about this game. This is my review of 'Halo 5: Guardians". And as usual... Spoiler Alert . I decided to keep an open mind when I first pressed the start button to begin the campaign and at the point, my best friend and a few others were telling...
A blog that talks about awesome kvltness and metal. I'll even get deep down into other topics like gaming, movies... all that shi-wing!