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"Spartan vs Spartan: Dawn of AIs?" A Halo 5: Guardians Review

Hello once again, it's me. After having delayed on playing it since I got the game on Christmas Day back in 2015 and it took me a while but after friends convinced me to play it I finally picked it up and decided to play it. It's good considering that I should take a bit of a break from the Fallout 4 craze at the moment.

As you usually know, it's a tradition for me to not go straight to Multiplayer at first, but more rather head straight into the Campaign at first because when I first started playing Halo from when I got my first one "Halo 3" back in 2007, it's always been something for me to do the story first, play online later. Now that I've had a chance to play the campaign, I can do a review about this game.

This is my review of 'Halo 5: Guardians". And as usual... Spoiler Alert.

I decided to keep an open mind when I first pressed the start button to begin the campaign and at the point, my best friend and a few others were telling me that the story wasn't really good with a few other friends saying that it sucked. I held no expectations when it started, as I already was a bit caught up even if I haven't played Halo since early 2013 when Halo 4 was released.

I was a bit confused with the story, and it felt like 343i was trying too hard to impress the Halo community and there was a few things I was disappointed with.

The Jul 'Mdama bit was WAY too rushed and it felt like they just wanted to get rid of him because he was not as important to the story. In my opinion he would have been a great asset to the story and a boss battle like with Sesa 'Refumee would have been really epic, and would have been worth it for the missions on Sanghelios. (Still no playable Sangheili, I am disappointed.)

The second issue I have is with the entire debate on "Spartan Locke vs. Master Chief". At the time before it's release, there was advertisements based on both of them being against him in a "I hate you, I hate you" kind of way kind of like how Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was advertised as two superheroes as rivals. (Believe me, I've seen it in theatres.) Besides those, another set of advertisements were going all 'Have you seen this Spartan?' and I was really excited at first. Not so much, even though they had a bit of action at first and then all of a sudden: it's like "Oh the real villain is the danger, we're friends now." Kinda ticked me off there.

Now here comes the major problem that ticked me off... Cortana as the main villain.

I was in for a major disappointment when I was told that she was the villain the entire time while the first trailer in mid-2013 stated there would be a search for Cortana. I was pissed because at the end of Halo 4 it came off that she was dead. Warden Eternal should have got the role of the main villain, but sorry! We have this bland twist at the end that we clearly saw in the beginning when Dr. Halsey was foretelling it. So much for the big give-away, 343i.

To quote and parody a line from an anime: "You thought it was going to be Warden Eternal, but it was me Cortana!"

I enjoyed the new graphics and designs for the characters, environments and worlds. It was really detailed and even I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the Guardians for the first time. The detail was well placed in throughout, and I was really happy to be on Sangheilios for the first time. I only wish that we could play as the Arbiter again but again I have a bad feeling 343i is just going to throw him away.

There wasn't too much character development, and I wished we could go into each backstory on every one of the characters of Blue Team and Team Osiris, but nope 343i dismisses that in regards for the action as they never listen to their fans when it comes to story. Master Chief still hasn't taken off his helmet and even if he did there probably will be another helmet underneath. The hype for this led to a big disappoint.

Gameplay was pretty solid, but it took me some time to get used to the new controls and actions that I could do like controlling my team-mates and ordering them to attack an enemy or move somewhere. The Promethean Knights can be a bit of a challenge, but the new soldiers as easy-squeezy-peezy.

And in conclusion: I give the Campaign this final verdict... 2 out of 10.

I didn't like the story or campaign at all. I was very confused what was going on half of the time and it felt like I was losing track because of so many things happening at the same time. I'd normally give a bad campaign a 1 out of 10, but because the Arbiter appeared again I give it a 2 out of 10.

For the overall game as I have played the multiplayer beta before, I give the overall game a 5.5 out of 10.

I'm very mixed on this installment to the Halo franchise as I have been a huge fan of it because I'm into sci-fi, aliens and fantasy. Disappointing story, decent characters and a whole ton of questions still yet to be solved.

They are planning to continue the Halo series for 30 more years, so hopefully the story does not degenerate into something I don't want like human supremacy being the majority of game time. I would like to have the playable Sangheili back in Multiplayer like Halo 2, 3 and Reach. I know people didn't like the story for Reach, but I really enjoyed it because it led ultimately into the beginning of how Halo: Combat Evolved began. I'm not a fan of the Halo Wars stuff, so it's very less likely I will get those games as Strategy war games aren't my thing.

The wait begins until Halo 6 comes out in possibly three years from now, just like this installment after Halo 4's release. But after Halo 6, it's going to be the beginning of the Creator trilogy which means: Halo 7, 8 and 9. We finished the Original Trilogy and almost through with the Reclaimer Trilogy, but I am keeping an open mind on what will happen next.

Until then, the Reclaimation has begun as the Didact had said. And we are hopeless to stop it... (Dammit, why'd you have to get thrown out of the story Didact. Such a great character thrown away by 343...)

Well, until then... this is the Imperial Admiral of the fleet Speed of Light, and the best friend of the Emi-Didact, signing out for now.


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