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Not In This Lifetime... Once In A Lifetime!

Hello everyone once again!

I was bored, and I have decided to post once again about an event that is coming up for me in the next few days ahead. It's a rock concert, yes... but this is a different kind of concert that I am going to in a HUGE stadium. No, not the Air Canada Centre: good guess though.

It's the 'Rogers Centre' I am going to, where the Blue Jays are usually playing baseball even though I'm not into sports but show support for the team. Now you might be telling me "Cut to the chase, who are you seeing?", but now I shall tell you. It's a show on the summer's hottest reunion tour of 2016!

Need a hint? I'm going down to Paradise City... that's right my friends!

Yes my friends, it's a reality that has finally come true after twenty years of waiting for the day to come when Axl Rose and Slash play together on stage. As a very young kid growing up in Elementary school, I would remember hearing all about Guns n Roses on the radio. At the time, the only songs I knew by them were "Welcome to the Jungle" and "Sweet Child o' Mine", but eventually I heard more tunes by them like "You Could Be Mine" from the end credits of the second Terminator movie.

It was around Christmas 2015 when I was hearing the news. The screenings of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" was airing a teaser that was hinting at yet another GNR tour. At first, I was a bit eager to know what it was about. Did Axl hire another guitarist to play with him? The wait became patient for me, and the rumors were at an all-time high.

To be honest, I actually was surprised when they said the word "reunited" when they announced the Coachella line-up to perform there. My hopes were up, but nothing was announced yet on who was in the line-up until they showed the hints that Slash, Duff and Axl would be performing together. When I found that out, I thought that it was a big early April Fools joke...

Until this April 1st... footage from the Troubadour sneak peek show came up on YouTube. Then it was at that point that it was not a joke. A long-time dream of seeing Slash and Axl together came true at last:

It was at that point where I proclaimed at the top of my lungs "GUNS N ROSES IS BACK!!". I show this footage to one of my teachers at college, and she thought it was still a joke and that Axl would still be the same person that he was before. I'm pretty sure the most recent shows changed her mind though.

Tour dates were announced, and when the Rogers Centre show popped up, I bought my ticket during the pre-sale in the 500s section all the way at the top of the venue, being that I was still in college at that point and needed to save my money. But no matter how expensive the show, I will go because this reunion tour is once in a lifetime - Slash being one of my guitar heroes as a kid. It all makes sense now.

To quote myself upon actually seeing it with my own eyes and a smile on my face: "For 20 years, I thought a wish like this would never happen... but I didn't expect it to be in this lifetime...

Alright, better get going! And do not fear, I will be continuing the Nightwish album reviews sometime after the GNR performance this July 16, plus there will be a review of the show too!

Now; time to end this post with a bit of November Rain, my favorite song.


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