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Right Here, Right Now "Ghost - 'Popestar' EP Review"

Hello again!

Just this morning, I actually had the chance to listen to Ghost's new release "Popestar" when I had got up first thing in the morning. I originally was planning on getting the new Lordi album today, but had a bit of disappointment when I realized that it only comes out in the US today, but it should come out on the 30th along with both Epica and Opeth's new albums. So, I checked for my redemption email and was disappointed that the new EP from Ghost couldn't be accepted as the website tends to have a lot of problems.

So there I was on iTunes, now deciding to see if the new EP was there. Lo and behold, it is available and I snatch it for the cheap price of $4.99, buying the EP online to put on my iPod.

Yes! I'll be going in-depth as to what it was like and what I thought of the album with rating at the end. Do not fear that I only have a digital copy; as I will be buying a physical copy whether it's at their two rituals in Toronto this November or me going to stop at HMV to buy one in stock.

And now, rise my Popestar! This is the review:

Let's start off with the first track, shall we?

1. Square Hammer

An original song by Pops and the Ghouls themselves. It starts off with a haunting chapel organ accompanied by guitars. Kind of reminds me of those trippy 60s music at first before the bass hits and reminds me of the days of watching the original Scooby-Doo cartoon with my older sister when we were on vacation in the United States.

Papa's voice sounds higher in this one, and he provides power in his voice with a kickbeat to the punchy chorus. Piano sounds quite clean during the second verse. For an original song, this actually sounds fantastic and I will have to sing along with this song if it is played at the Toronto shows.

2. Nocturnal Me (Echo & The Bunnymen Cover)

This one was pretty decent. I've only listened to it a few times, and I think I need to have this one grow on me a little. Meaning I'd have to listen more to this track. Chorus definitely has a touch of eerie chills with the vocals of Papa that envisions shadows in a misty field of grass somewhere in the United Kingdom even though I've never been there. Probably the classic movies made me think that.

3. I Believe (Simian Mobile Disco Cover)

There are almost no words for this one. This definitely is mystical and almost has the perfect touch of 80s New Wave music, Ambience and Pop thrown into a blender to create the ultimate touch of a powerful Ghost ballad.

4. Missionary Man (Eurythmics Cover)

First time I ever hear a backing vocalist in this cover, and there's a phenomenal female doing that job. Well done Ghost, a perfect way of showing that you can still rock even if you have pop elements in your music. This one has the sound that Pink Floyd was working with Ghost. Definitely brings out that the band do have Prog elements to them.

5. Bible (Imperiet Cover)

Last track on the EP, and I'm already digging this one as I reminds me of when I was into the slow and power-voice 1980s tunes, way before I got into metal music. The choir in this one blew me away. Nearly made me cry for this one, so beautiful. I give this cover of an 80s song my best applause.

Overall Score:

I'd have to give this one a very positive rating. For me, I'd have to say 9.5 out of 10.
Safe to say, I actually prefer this one over "If You Have Ghosts" now. Before the outrage begins, I actually still like that EP, but I prefer this one as one of my favorites now. It's now official to state this now after Meliora won me.

I am now a Child of Ghost.

I'll be going to both rituals at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Toronto this upcoming November as I have tickets for those.

For the first night, I'll be going with my best friend Emily who introduced me to Ghost in the first place. (Be sure to check out her blog, "The Redheaded Nerd"!) With us, we are also bringing a friend of ours that she introduced me to this past May. Plus it's a sold out show by then, so we're expecting a full house then.

For the second night, it'll be just me going. Same section in G, just on the left side of the orchestra instead of the center. That'll make it three rituals. Plus I plan on staying after the November 10 show ends so I can meet Papa and the Ghouls and get them to sign stuff outside where I remember having met Eric Martin, Herbie Langhans and Oliver Hartmann there. Jeez, I'm going to be so tired after those nights are over but it'll be worth it. Will bring all my Ghost stuff and will try to get them signed.

If I had more money and if the Meet and Greet wasn't so expensive, I would have met Pops in costume and bowed down before him. Unfortunately, they are getting really big and because of that, they might not come out behind the venue to meet fans so I better meet them while I still can. Maybe they won't do that as they are too nice.

Can't wait for the next album with the fourth incarnation of Papa Emeritus. Well, got to go now. Time to blast Bible and I Believe in the shower.

Buy their music and buy shirts, or else Pops will give you 'the stare'! I plan on doing that for their next ritual here, so why don't you?

What are you waiting for? Go buy some Ghost merch!


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