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'Are You On The Square?' Two Nights of Ghost Rituals

Hello again! Been a while since my last post which was my review on Ghost's new EP 'Popestar' that came out this past September, which came out with a positive comment.

Now here it is at last: My second and third rituals have been done and completed after not having seen Ghost since April 2014 at the Phoenix Concert Theatre in Toronto. And I will now be expressing my thoughts on how well the two shows were. So sit back, relax and enjoy reading about my thoughts on both rituals for November 9 and 10.

First Night (Second Ritual):

The show was first announced this past June, and I have bought tickets for my best friend Emily, and friend Damian. So after the long wait, here comes November 9, the day after Election Day for my friends living in the United States.

In Toronto, we ended up seeing them in a seated venue instead of a standing venue known as Queen Elizabeth Theatre. I was already at the venue back in April when I was seeing 'Avantasia' in concert there, so being able to experience Ghost here would be just as amazing. I planned on buying a shirt at the merch table, but I was only $5 short so I would have to save it until tomorrow's show to spend merch money.

The opening act for Ghost was someone called Marissa Nadler, which it was just her and another person on stage with her to play guitar and keyboards while Marissa was singing and playing guitar as well. To be honest, I thought she did an okay job. At least it isn't Pinkish Black that my friend in the US had to sit through.

Then, the set revealed itself and the choir began to hit when they were doing so. It was definitely the sign that the Popestar was coming. When the lights finally went out, the choir began to grow darker and that's when I knew that the Popestar was finally here. The Nameless Ghouls named "Fire", "Water", "Earth", "Air" and "Ether" finally came on stage and the recognizable tune from the new EP was the first thing that they played.

Then the third incarnation of Papa Emeritus came up on stage and began to sing along to what could be their new hit single called "Square Hammer". Because I had listened to the song so many times before the 2 rituals, I already was beginning to sing along loudly to this song. For my best friend, this was a new song to her and she loved it after heard it live for the first time ever.

They played a lot of their hits like "From the Pinnacle to the Pit", "Cirice", "Secular Haze", "Con Clavi Con Dio", "Mummy Dust" and "Year Zero". Since I finally had been listening to them and catching up on their music after taking a long break from them, it was good to sing those songs. It would have been cool to also hear "Spirit", but who knows... maybe they'll play it at future shows.

Their most notable ballad "He Is" began to play and I literally belted it out with all of the power in my voice. One of my favorites of all-time by Ghost and thought that it was beautiful to listen to even in concert.

Papa Emeritus III was really nice that night, and he sounded as good as the second incarnation when seeing them the first time two and a half years ago. He brought out the Sisters of Sin, and had a fantastic voice.

The last two songs on the set were "Ritual" and "Monstrance Clock". Of course they have to play Monstrance Clock last, because it's memorable for ending like that. A good first night in Toronto and a great second ritual. Emily and Damian really enjoyed it as well.

At the end of the show, me and Emily were still tossing the confetti about and around our seats, tee-hee-hee!

Second Night (Third Ritual):

The second show was announced sometime in September and I was pretty surprised because they did something like that in Los Angeles at The Wiltern venue. Without any thoughts, I bought myself a ticket and ended up surprisingly in the same row as I was the last night, but except I was on the left side of the theater.

My best friend wanted to come along, but she had school so she will join with me again next time for her third ritual sometime in 2017/2018 when the fourth incarnation of Pops is introduced.

I ended up skipping the opening act Marissa Nadler this time, and I hung out in the lobby to chat with other Ghost children. I was speaking with someone for a while about how I still haven't been able to get any Mummy Dust dollars as I was tasked by a friend in the US to get one for her. (She owns the page "Ghost Virginia" so be sure to give her a like.) She was happy enough to give me a Papa dollar and I thanked her for that. (I forgot your name, but if you read this; thank you again! :D )

I also got an extra Papa dollar from someone who gave it to me for free but completely forgot this it was in my upper coat pocket until I got on the train to head back home.

This time, I managed to have $50 and got to buy a shirt from the merch table that night which was the "Lightbringer" shirt with the tour dates on the back. After that, I went right to my seat and began to watch the show.

It was the same set, with different Sisters of Sin from the other night. When "Body & Blood" began playing, I actually got up out of my seat and moved right up towards the front to watch the rest of the show from there.

Yes, this is how close I was to the stage:

Ether was right in front of me for the entirety of the show, and threw his pick into the audience. Someone behind me was nice enough to hand me Ether's pick after he received a second one from him, so I managed to thank him even when he promised to get me a pick after he caught it.

But here's how close I was to Pops:

Yes, I was that close!

After Ritual had ended, I shook hands with Ether, fist-bumped both Water and Papa; plus I high-fived Earth. Then Papa began to talk to us on if we saw them before or if it was their first time. I said to him that it was my third time seeing them. He looks me straight in the eyes, bending down to talk to me with the microphone at his mouth, saying to me "This is your third time?". I nodded and responded to him with "Yes". (A few members of the audience congratulated me for having had Papa speak with me.)

Right next to me was a girl and he actually held her hand as he was talking to all of us. It was so nice for him to do that, and I can imagine that if it was my best friend; she'd probably pass out because Pops is her favorite member.

After Monstrance Clock, I managed to snatch the setlist from the stage. A few people wanted it, but in the end they decided to take a picture of it and were kind enough to let me have it. But at least I got to get up that close without the barricade, but I kept the distance until the end of the show. Security was nice enough to let us get that close.

One more picture:

After the show, I decided to wait by the tour bus to see if they would come out. By chance, all six members did around midnight. They were unmasked and out of costume, and to my surprise they looked like regular people you'd see every day. They signed all my CDs, my ticket for that night, the Mummy Dust dollar I'll be giving to my friend in the US and the setlist.

I was really lucky to have all six of them sign my stuff. I will be giving the signed setlist to Emily along with the other Mummy Dust dollar someone else was also happy to give minutes after being given the first Papa dollar for Erin.

A picture of my stash for the evening:

Well, it was a good two-night rituals. Now I have gone to three rituals and I am hoping and definitely going to more rituals in the future!

Next show coming up with my friend: Lordi!
Me and Emily managed to snatch VIP Meet and Greets, so we're pretty excited to meet the band for the first time, even when it is their first time coming to Toronto. Expect her thoughts on the show after we go and see it! The link to her blog can be found here.

Until then... toodles! :)


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