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An Angry Rant about the "Transformers: The Last Knight" Teaser

In... out... in... out... alright, you can do this. Unleash all of your anger calmly...

...Okay, so you know how I once stated on my Facebook that the first time I was seeing the 2016 remake of Ghostbusters, I posted about how I saw a big poster hanging above that was advertising "Transformers: The Last Knight". I only posted about that, and it wasn't really getting much attention. But hey, when the teaser comes out it definitely gets more attention. Before that, I didn't really know what was coming up considering in the end of "Age of Extinction", Optimus goes off to look for the Creators.

Well, the teaser did come up and online yesterday while I was busy with the Lordi coming to Toronto craze that day. Regardless, it shows Optimus Prime standing there in a gray fog-like setting like it's coming to a conclusion in the films (Well, the Bay-directed ones.) I click on this link to the teaser trailer and this is what I see:

Now, I'm bringing up the same thing that I said about "Age of Extinction". Michael Bay owns YOU, and YOU are the PRODUCT. That's right, he owns you just like he owns me now and I have no choice but to go and sit through this movie just because it's based on something from my childhood and it's one of the things we dreamed for. (Note that it was long before I discovered "Transformers: The Movie" from 1986.)

Remember when it was the summer of 2007? No? Basically to sum things up, Transformers was one of the biggest waits of the year for me because I remember 13 year old me coming out from graduating eighth grade when I first saw the teaser poster advertising the film, I said to myself "Holy shit! It's Transformers, my childhood is coming to life!" So I waited patiently for that day to come, and I go to the theaters to see it. It was mind-blowing and possibly the best thing that I ever saw.

2009, and I am already wrapped up on the tenth grade, and we get a sequel called "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen". I go to the theater to see it, even seeing it a second time at the Drive-In near my place. I was excited, and you know what? We got the exact same goddamn thing, and my thoughts on the film as 15 year old me: Eh, whatever, it's a very good movie and I thought that Skids and Mudflap were funny. (At the time, I didn't know their names and I ended up calling them the gangster bots.)

2011, me and my best friend Emily who got into Transformers during 2009's summer are already hyped after seeing a teaser for "Transformers: Dark of the Moon". We go to the movie, and guess what? We got the exact same goddamn thing. 17 year old me's thoughts: I thought it was a good movie, and they introduced new characters!

Three years later and it's 2014, I'm about to enter college in two months and "Transformers: Age of Extinction" comes out. Me and Emily go to see the movie without any expectations, and guess what happened... we got the exact same goddamn thing as the last three movies! We both were pissed, because they portrayed Optimus Prime as a fucking psychotic person. The whole movie he would be all like: "Let's kill them all! Traitors among us and I want to get rid of them all!" Okay he didn't say that... But he was THIS close!

And now, we have "Transformers: The Last Knight", and I will get in my rant on why I'm angry about it along with five points:

* First off, I would like to start at the end, rather than the beginning. Why in the world would Optimus Prime try to kill Bumblebee when he is on his team. The way he sounds in the trailer even when it was only one line sounds like he was brainwashed somehow to attack unless this is the incarnation of Nemesis Prime that we are talking about. First off, Optimus would never go as far as attacking even the Autobots. Comments on the video state that it's Dark Energon, but there is no evidence of them yet.

* Second, there is absolutely no way that they can get away with Optimus looking absolutely dead in space. Unless he is hibernating like a computer, there is no way I'm falling for the idea that he is dead again. (He was already dead in Revenge of the Fallen before being brought back to life by Shia in the same film.)

* Really Mark Wahlberg? Back for this movie already? Seems like both you and Michael Bay really need the money.

* There's a Bumblebee movie coming out a year later after this movie. The question is: How the f--k is that going to work?! Well, to give it credit; at least Michael Bay is not working on that or the sixth Transformers coming in 2019.

* Megatron will be returning according to the cast list. There is no way that is believable, as he was killed in Dark of the Moon. We have Galvatron as the last movie before had, but he's only there to fight for those moments until he's all like "Okay, I'm just going to stand over there and let the others fight it out!"

Do you remember when you first saw an explosion in a movie? The first time everyone did, we actually said to ourselves "Hey, that was the best thing ever!" Nowadays, explosions just feel like a... light breeze. All the while, Michael Bay constantly shoves the explosions in our faces and down our throats because he thinks it would greenlight the movie, along with the idea of having a hot female co-lead to attract all of the fans. I mean, he messed up with both Megan Fox and Rosie Huntington-Whitely.

Now he is going to mess up the franchise one last time as his paycheck starts to roll in from the people going to see this movie. But with all honesty I am thankful that he will not be involved at all with the Bumblebee movie or the sixth Transformers. They plan on making more Transformers films in the future, and people insist that it's a reboot but by sources it's still connected in that universe.

All the while with Michael Bay when confronted about it:

Ladies and gentlemen, you just gave that man millions of dollars.

I am still willing to give "Transformers: The Last Knight" a chance, and to keep an open mind when in the theater to see it. I'll give my opinion and thoughts about it in late June 2017.

Until then, I'll just have to keep an open mind like I did with the fourth Transformers and the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film. At least with the Turtles they actually did have great potential, and to be honest I really enjoyed it along with the second film. Yes, I know that Megan Fox is in both of them but she has less screen time than she did in the first film.

But Michael Bay when directing just has to push the message that it's all about "Strength, family and we must save the Earth from danger"! Okay, the family part I can agree with because the Autobots technically are like a family to one another, and must be together in order to stop the Decepticons from bringing destruction.

As I said before, based on my thoughts on "Age of Extinction" I hope that this could maybe be a redemption for the mistakes that was made in that film to be better. But still, I'll have to wait for another trailer and for the release of the movie in the summer.

By the time the movie is over and the credits come up, I know it'll be time to say this to Michael Bay:

"Na na na na... na na na na... hey, hey, hey... goodbye!!"


  1. While I do agree with your points and all and I'm deeply disappointed in what Bay has made this franchise which was the highlight of my teenage years, but you don't need to force yourself to watch the new movie if you think it might be another let down. Bay doesn't own you forever, the only way to break free is to stop and focus on the parts of Transformers that you love.


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