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"Theaterror or Demonarchy?" A Lordi 'Monstereophonic' Review

Hello there again everyone! Been a while since I have reviewed an album, as the only other one I did was an EP review for 'Popestar' by Ghost. For a while, I thought about and decided to do a review for the sake of it.

This is a special kind of band today: Lordi.

To delve back into some history, this went all the way back to high school. Me and my best friend were sitting in the cafeteria just watching some music videos on metal based on recommendations from a friend in the United Kingdom. Our first discovery of Lordi was when we saw and heard the 2006 remake for "Would You Love A Monsterman?" and needless to say we loved it.

I got more of their stuff on iTunes like "Hard Rock Hallelujah" and "This Is Heavy Metal". I showed them to my friend, and it turned us into Lordi fans, though I did listen to the songs mentioned before-hand; really rocked out to them even on my way to skiing. Besides those two, I did have WYLAM on my iPod. This was all during the "Babez for Breakfast" era when we became fans.

My best friend has all of the Lordi albums, but I am en route to getting them all as well. Recently, I ordered 'The Monsterican Dream' and 'Deadache' off of Amazon. Now all I need is "Babez for Breakfast" and then I have all of the physical CD copies for Lordi's stuff.

"To Beast or Not to Beast" came out in March 2013, and we both enjoyed them. 2014, "Scare Force One" comes out and it was almost quiet when talking about the album as my friend (same one) didn't really peek at SFO too much. Talk of Lordi seems to grow silent and isn't given too much attention.

Cue the Summer of 2016:

We receive both the news of a North American tour and a new studio album to be released in September. It has us talking again, and when it was coming close to release; it did revive the Lordi spirit inside of me and brought back why they were fantastic. Album comes out, I buy it off iTunes and receive the CDs for that one and SFO as an early Xmas gift.

This is the one album I will be reviewing today:
"Monstereophonic (Theaterror vs. Demonarcy)"

With that said, let's begin.

1. SGC8: One Message Waiting
This intro track had a "When A Stranger Calls" effect to it with the person on the phone speaking to the victim on the other end of the phone, the creeper voice done by Ralph Ruiz. Very creepy, and was thrown off when I first heard it, but gave me the chills. A good introduction to the album.

2. Let's Go Slaughter He-Man (I Wanna Be the Beast-Man in the Masters of the Universe)
One of my favorite tracks off of the album, and a good first song for the album. It reminds me of the childhood classic "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe". I feel like it takes place in Skeletor's point of view in wanting to stop He-Man and take over the universe. I have that need to belt out the chorus when it cues in. Love that 1980's sound effect at the end of the song. Fact: That was actually part of the show. For every show for the current tour, they actually have someone dressed as Skeletor come on stage and introduce Lordi at the beginning of the song.

3. Hug You Hardcore
This one was pretty good, and was the first single to promote the album released in August 2016, a month before the album came out. I first heard it on YouTube where they put the single and music video on. Watched the clean version, and it's unusual for Lordi to do that in their music videos normally. Still, good song.

4. Down with the Devil
Another one of my favorites on the 'Theaterror' side. This one is a really catchy song, and has another chorus that I can belt out to. I suggested to learn this song at my guitar lesson recently, and was playing it on my guitar. Hoping to hear this one in concert.

5. Mary Is Dead
A decent song. Not the best, but I really like Amen's guitar solo in this one.

6. Sick Flick
I first heard this one days before the album's release from a leak on YouTube. This one is another really good song, and hopefully this one is played at the show I'm going to.

7. None for One
A good ending to the 'Theaterror' side. It has one of those catchy choruses that I can sing along to. Plus I liked the synth that Hella provided for this one. Gave it a creepy foggy effect. I'd love to hear this one in concert.

8. SCG VIII: Opening Scene
An instrumental track to open up the 'Demonarchy' side of the album. This one is usually there to open Lordi's shows on the current tour. I honestly sometimes wish it could go on for longer, like 'Devil Church' from Ghost's 'Meliora'. From here forward, it begins the concept album.

9. Demonarchy
This one is quite catchy and heavy in its sound. Mr. Lordi's howl in the track actually gave me a bit of a chill since the small hairs on my arms were standing up from that. Chorus is fun as well.

10. The Unholy Gathering
This was a good song. I really enjoyed the piano bits from Hella in this one, especially the end where you can hear the wind and rustling of twigs and leaves in an Autumn setting forest. I think I heard some rain as well, but I picture a gathering of monsters in an old castle.

11. Heaven Sent Hell on Earth
This was a decent song. Nothing more, nothing less.

12. And the Zombie Says
Another decent song, but I love that haunting synthesizer vibe that Hella plays on the keyboards. Sounded very SFO-like with a mix of Get Heavy in it.

13. Break of Dawn
I really liked the sound of the guitars in this one especially at the beginning. It almost reminds me like the morning is coming to the land over the monsters and they are heading right back to sleep during those moments. A good second last song.

14. The Night the Monsters Died
Final track, and it's chorus almost reminds me of Michael Jackson's "You Are Not Alone". Another one of my favorite songs. After they finish playing a show, this is usually played on the intercom after Lordi leaves the stage so it's to be expected. A great finish to a great album.

Sorry kiddos, there is no bonus tracks. If there was, I would be including them in the review.

I really enjoyed this album, and it has definitely given me the idea why Lordi are still a very big European band and a shining example from their influences. The album itself has definitely revived me as a fan and I am looking forward to another album when it is released. I give this album a 9.3 / 10.

With the news of Lordi officially coming to Toronto for the very first time, I went and immediately bought me and my best friend VIP Meet and Greet tickets to go see (and meet) Lordi in concert. I am honestly excited as we have waited 6 years for the impossible to become a reality.

Looks like the impossible just became reality. 😉

Hope to do a concert review of the show after, and hopefully more album reviews in the future.

A question for you to ask yourself if you listened to the album:
Which side of the album did you enjoy more? Theaterror or Demonarchy?


  1. When you mentioned that you bought VIP for us, I'm surprised you didn't write in here my reaction and why I did that! ^_^


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