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July 2017 - Here I Am To Live The Tale

Title of this blog post really threw you off, didn't it? Lol nope, nothing to do with the movie Top Gun even though I really love that movie, especially the character Ice Man. He's one character everyone should look up to.

Yes, this is another post at the end of every month of my selected favorites for the month of July. Five songs, and a few of them are influenced from the concerts I've seen. So here you go... prepare your butts.

Before I begin, I would like to congratulate my friend Emily or as known as "The Redheaded Nerd" for adopting this kind of technique. She'll find it to be more easier for her to adapt to, though I did enjoy MMSW.

5. Joan Jett and the Blackhearts - Bad Reputation

I think I can relate quite well to this song's standards. This one really speaks out to me about how everyone is taunting my different tastes (Being a brony, liking heavy metal music, my different personality, collecting setlists/picks/autographs, etc.) and how I think I should be "normal" like them. I clearly don't really give a damn what they think. We should be our own person and not follow along with what they force-feed into us. Let us be us.

This song can also be heard in a familiar movie with a green ogre. After all, Shrek is love - Shrek is life.

4. Epica - Trois Vierges

An older song in the Epica legacy, and this one is known for being a classical duet between both Simone Simons and the legendary Kamelot vocalist, Roy Khan. I do miss hearing Roy Khan in the music industry myself, and despite all the rumors that he might be going back to making music again - I wish him well.

3. Xandria - Voyage of the Fallen

Today marked the second year anniversary for Xandria's EP 'Fire & Ashes', so I decided to post one of the singles from the EP that really stood out. This song makes you feel like you are either on a journey across the golden seas or through the stars in space. This performed this song when I saw them two times in Montreal and Toronto this year.

2. Metallica - Spit Out the Bone

Having seen Metallica for the first time and completed seeing all of the Big Four, I had to select this song from their new album Hardwired... To Self-Destruct. They didn't perform this song at the Toronto show unfortunately, but this song actually gets the crowd going judging by the YouTube comments. Great song, hopefully their next album and tour won't take another nine or ten years just like with how HammerFall took seven years to come back to Toronto.

1. Xandria - Queen of Hearts Reborn

The most recent single from the newest album Theater of Dimensions. Whenever I hear this song, I picture either the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland no matter which version it is that you're watching, and Nightmare Moon - one of the villains from my favorite series ruling over the land where the night lasts forever. Even if it's the original fairy tale, you can easily picture the Queen herself. Xandria are coming back to tour again, but nowhere in Canada this time as it'll be all-out in the United States.

Well, that's all for now in regards of Monthly songs. Not really much else is happening for the month of August - being that it'll be my birthday at the end of the month. Still, expect the usual song post before then - but it'll be a special post as it'll be all Nightwish songs for August. Expect more to come in September as it'll be the following events: Fan Expo, Deep Purple w/ Alice Cooper & Edgar Winter, Epica w/ Lacuna Coil and Scorpions w/ Megadeth. I do plan on going to see Xandria a third time in Buffalo, New York but it's still in development.

Until then, cheers and up the irons.

\m/ Brayden \m/


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