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November 2017 - A Missed Opportunity

Hello everyone! How is everyone doing? I'd like to first off apologize for the long delay of posting for a while as I have been doing my own thing which also includes being at work. Not exactly the easiest you know. I've delayed a hella lot on concert reviews and thoughts, but I will most likely have one coming up in early December, with an album review coming before.

Well, since I missed writing for October, I will be including 10 songs for this blog post for favorite songs of November 2017.

10. Animals as Leaders - On Impulse

I recall that this was the first AAL song that I have heard, which includes one of my favorite guitar players ever: Tosin Abasi. For this album and as a guitar player in general, he uses an eight-string guitar, and uses the bottom string as part of bass. This would probably be one of my favorites as well as a few others.

9. Between the Buried and Me - Lay Your Ghosts to Rest

At least one or two of my friends have recommended this band to me many different times. I wasn't too interested in it at first since I'm not really a fan of metalcore. But when I heard this from the Parallax II album as well as the Parallax I EP, my mind was blown away. Tommy Rogers has a grand vocal range, and there are definite metalcore influences throughout since that is how they first started as a band.

8. Sirenia - My Destiny Coming to Pass

My friend Mathias has mentioned this band a few times a few years back after having first met him on Facebook. I have had many curiosities about the band, being that I was huge into symphonic metal. (I still am huge into it!) Though I was first introduced to them completely by seeing them in concert and meeting them, I'd say this is one of the tracks I enjoyed with one of their past singers Ailyn.

7. Evanescence - Bring Me to Life (Synthesis Version)

There are no words on how supreme this version is compared to the original when it was released for the first time on Fallen. This in other words was the "supposed" original version of this song that Amy Lee wanted to put on the debut album, but being that they had musicians, they still had the heaviness. Remove the heavy stuff, and you've got a butterfly that comes out from the chrysalis. Lol, when I see her and the orchestra on the eighth of December, everyone in the venue is going to scream as soon as she sings the first word in the lyrics.

6. Blind Guardian - The Maiden and the Minstrel Knight

One of my favorite ballads from one of the greatest power metal bands of all-time, this song is based off the tale of "Tristan und Isolde", which was known to be an opera back in the day. It would definitely present an image that you are at a grand ballroom, and dancing along with your lady for the night and dedicating love to one another in case something bad happens.

5. Helloween - Pumpkins United

The Pumpkins this year have definitely reunited for the first time, and only for a limited run of concerts. I, for one will be considered one of the lucky few among my friends who will see Helloween in concert featuring the original members in concert Michael Kiske and Kai Hansen. Just like them on this song, Deris is also present in the sharing of vocals. I will be going to Montreal in September 2018, and will have the opportunity to see them only one time in concert. They don't really have plans to go to Toronto anytime soon since they love Quebec more, so why not? It'll be probably be my third time there because I am thinking about going to Heavy MTL in the summer of 2018. Not confirmed yet, so we'll see.

4. Within Temptation - What Have You Done

Among one of the most listened to WT songs, this one would have to be one of them from "The Heart of Everything". This one actually feels like it would go well in a battle between good and evil, after the land has been devastated. This one is the Radio Edit version, so I usually prefer the Extended Version which is on the European versions of the album. Now that WT have announced a tour to start in 2018, my fingers are crossed that they will come to Toronto / Montreal. I still have that one promise that I said I would do: asking Sharon for a hug.

3. Animals as Leaders - Another Year

My personal favorite song from AAL. This one actually has a bit of a catchy bounce toit that I find myself imitating the drums for this one as well as the guitars. Best parts are the solo at the beginning, and the heavenly synth before the Djent drop that sounds a bit like it would fit in Final Fantasy VII. Absolute brilliant masterpiece.

2. Lordi - Beast Loose in Paradise

Mostly known as the song featured in the end credits for "Dark Floors". This is the version that I have from the Zombilation compilation that I own, which is the full version instead of the Radio Edit version. It's a really enjoyable song, and if the Supermonstars ever do come around to Toronto again, here's to hoping they will play this.

1. Cradle of Filth - Heartbreak and Séance

They are back, officially back. One of the greatest British metal bands of all-time alongside Iron Maiden and notoriously known for their materials in their early years when they were a gothic metal band. To this day, they still show an intense power of heaviness in this music. Dani still has the greatest screeching in his vocals. Being that they've announced a show in Toronto, there is no doubt that I will be going to it. 'Nuff said.

That's all the ten songs that I have for now. Hope to get back to you with a concert review of how Evanescence was in concert.

\m/ Brayden \m/


  1. I don't know, I find it kind of biased that one band would love one province more than the other. Montreal may have more of a metal scene but Toronto is also hustling and bustling that Metalheads could be everywhere, they just don't push to make their community bigger and known. We need to have a festival here too, sure yeah we could take a road trip but not everyone can afford that or take time for it. There was a time where I wanted to see Helloween and maybe inside that still exists but I've been living under a rock what they've been up to.

    I will always love Amy Lee's voice, I can't come along since I'm quite busy that week, I'm sure it'll be great


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