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Has the Reign of Bayformers Finally Come to an End?

Been a long while since the last blog post. Yeah... I think I will start off this post with a picture when I found out from an article about the fate of the Transformers film series.

As we know from a few sources back in mid-February, there had been reports that Paramount, one of the faces on the Transformers film series, had removed Transformers 6 from their planned films list for next year. Bumblebee: The Movie is still listed and will be getting released December 21, 2018 into theatres. They also plan to reboot the film franchise and give it a fresh new start from what I've heard as well.

From what the removal was for, is most likely that Transformers 6 has been postponed or been indefinitely cancelled, which most likely has something to do with the box office results from the previous installment The Last Knight. Comparing it with all the other results and how much the other movies made, the fifth installment had hit an all-time low, not making as much as the other films did.

$604 million there isn't really giving you much of a good opportunity to make a profit isn't it, Michael Bay?

I looked at the Rotten Tomatoes score for the fifth film, critics have given it a 16%, but fuck whatever they have to say right? Audience score (which is more important by the way) is 45%, just a few percentage lower than Age of Extinction was. Why's that?


Nobody likes to have constant explosions, same plot copy-pastes, plot holes, fart jokes, butchering beloved characters who left a legacy for us in the past, annoying characters and ruining a beloved character (Optimus Prime of course) that we all knew and loved growing up as a kid. Plus the fact that The Last Knight made Age of Extinction so pointless, that they never brought up anything about the creators or that "seed" Optimus was going to deliver to them. It wasn't even talked about, shown or mentioned again.

The movie ended on a thread, leaving anyone who is still even interested in the Bayformers series, clueless on what could happen next with the threat of Unicron and Quintessa who feigned death and disguised as a human on Earth. But there's only one movie to finish off the Bayformers series, and that is the Bumblebee movie.

As we know, they finished filming it last year and are currently in post-production. It will star Bumblebee, yes, but it will also have a Decepticon yet to be named, Peter Cullen will be in it, most likely to voice Optimus and it takes place in the 1980s. The actors confirmed are Hailee Steinfeld (the girl from the True Grit remake, which was good), John Cena, Martin Short and a few others.

It will be the first film to NOT be directed by Michael Bay which is only a small relief, because he doesn't seem to want to let go of the creation he made since 2007. He will be the producer for the film, because he is basically the Zack Snyder of Transformers.

He even admitted that the sequels are trash, but people will still go and see the movies anyway.

But if there is anything that The Last Jedi (my opinion on that film is mixed) taught all of us, it's two things:

1. Vote with your wallet. You can choose to see it, or choose not to see it. No one is forcing you to see the films. Just because it has the title of a franchise you grew up with, doesn't mean you need to go see it because of its name alone. It's like ordering a burger; you don't have to have the same order every time, you can try something new on the burger like ketchup, lettuce or cheese.

2. As I have stated before, NEVER TRUST CRITICS AND THEIR REVIEWS. Form your own opinion on what you think of the movie and don't let others sway you on it. Let your mind decide if it is a good movie or not.

Now I know what you're thinking. "Why are you going to see Bumblebee: The Movie if you know it'll be bad? You're a hypocrite!" No, I'm going to watch it because I hope beyond all hopes that it will be a better movie than the last four movies were in comparison. If not a good movie, I will say that it is bad. If not that, I might just say that it was a decent or average movie.

For all I know, it will be the last Transformers movie in the Michael Bay universe, since there is going to be a "reset" which will pretty much erase everything that happened from the first Transformers to the upcoming film, and restart the film. Maybe they'll actually find a director and producer that respects the lore and doesn't make lame jokes every time.

But again, this "reset" could be a good thing, because maybe this will give an opportunity to find an experienced director and writers who know the lore inside and out, giving the franchise a new face and a new chance to redeem itself after the disaster that was Michael Bay.

In the end, I hope Bumblebee: The Movie is worth a watch and isn't a train wreck like both Age of Extinction and The Last Knight. It's these moments where I now really miss being 13 years old and waiting for the first film in theatres back in 2007... how I wish I could relive that again.


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