After some careful thought and I've been thinking about it for quite a bit of a while, so I decided 'why the hell not?' and typed this out. It's the end of the month of May, and I am going to label down on a few of the songs that were really good this month. Well, not the best ones... but the ones that I really enjoyed. These are my Top Five Songs of May 2017: (It'll be counted down from 5 to 1.) 5. Sirenia - Dim Days of Dolor My mind was blown away when I was introduced to this song for the first time live in concert when I was seeing them on May 17. Emmanuelle is such a beautiful singer, and they have quite a fantastic sound. This is from their new album which is the same title as the song, and it's the first album without Ailyn who left the band some time ago. Both Emmanuelle and Morten have signed my copy of their new album and I am quite happy to have met them. Hopefully they come again to Toronto soon! 4. Blind Guardian - Battlefield One of...
A blog that talks about awesome kvltness and metal. I'll even get deep down into other topics like gaming, movies... all that shi-wing!