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Countdown from the 12th Hour - A Sirenia / Arkona Experience

Four days after the two Xandria shows that I had gone to in both Montreal and Toronto, I was looking forward to another show on the same week as it would be their very first time coming to North America, just like when Lordi came for the first time to Canada this past February.

It was time for me to live the Sirenia experience.

The Norwegian gothic metal band were finally coming at last to North America on a co-headlining tour with Russian folk metal rockers 'Arkona'! When I first heard about it, I gave it some thought and eventually decided to buy a ticket at the last minute a few nights before the show when I was getting ready to go to Montreal.

So I took the bus on the warm late-spring day to the station and took the train from my hometown into Toronto. Because this show would be at the Mod Club, I would have to take a stop at the Queens Park location via the TTC subway. Because there was a lot of time to kill, I decided to visit the provincial parliament there.

It had been years since I last been to Queens Park as it was mostly on field trips when I would go and see the house in action with voting bills. Those two times were when the last Premier 'Dalton McGuinty' was in power with the Liberal Party (who are still in power). I'm not going to post my political opinions here; so I'd more rather talk about it in person or with others I can trust.

After my visit to Queens Park, I took the 506 streetcar all the way to the west of Toronto to its 'Little Italy' district. From there, I could see the venue which is where they would be performing. Outside were members of a band that were opening called MindMaze. I said hello to them briefly and went about to prepare for the show.

I was actually focusing between both the venue and the silver tour bus across the road which is where both co-headlining bands were sharing together. I waited for a bit of time, but eventually after having thinking for a while and taking a look around the area; I approached by the tour bus and met the new, current singer Emmanuelle Zoldan for the band. She was happy to sign my CD copy of the new 2016 album Dim Days of Dolor. Me and her talked for a while about what it was like over in Europe, and then I went off to get some dinner from Pizza Nova.

After dinner, I got back to the venue where there was a small line-up of people already there, waiting for the show. One person that I met a few times that went to shows recognized me immediately and I got to say hello to him once again after having seen him again. He, like me was going to attend the VIP Meet and Greet. Also ran into the band leader Morten Veland who signed my CD to complete its worth.

For the Meet and Greet, I bought it off of a different site called "PledgeMusic" as there was no VIP option on Ticketfly, which reminds me of when I bought Meet and Greet for both Xandria shows off of Eventbrite. Surprisingly, it was only $50 which was not bad in pricing.

Me and three others who bought the Meet and Greet enter into the front of the venue inside where the two band members of Sirenia with two touring members. (Sorry, I can't remember their names.) They signed my Meet and Greet poster and laminate, and I got to talk with Morten about the tour. I asked if the band were planning to tour Asia sometime in the future. To my surprise: they are planning to do that this year in the autumn which includes Japan and China that he mentioned. However he told me a tour in Australia would be too expensive for them.

After some discussion, I had a photo with them taken by a fan of the band who looked really excited to see them for the first time by the looks of it:

After the Meet and Greet was over, we were brought outside again with only a few people still in line to see the bands for tonight. A lot of them mostly came for Arkona, but I was one of those going to see Sirenia amongst the few.

The doors open up, I enter in and I check in via ticket and head to the merch table. I purchased a Sirenia tour shirt that had an owl on it. I also bought myself an Arkona woven patch for when I get a vest to sew my patches on as I want to have one band from each European country put on. Don't worry to my favorite North American bands, you'll have a spot too! 😉

I was surprised that there were only a few people at first, but I got up to the front of the stage ready for the first band that was about to come perform first as billed.


Sicosis was the first band to come up on stage and perform, originating from the United States of America all the way in Viva Las Vegas. I honestly thought they were a good choice to open up the show and I enjoyed their sound. They have a mixture of Progressive and rock in their music, and here's to hoping that they come back soon as it was also their first time coming to Canada.

Sicosis Setlist:
  1. Prelude to Insanity
  2. We Shall Rise
  3. Beyond the Quantum Waves
  4. Isolated Salvation
  5. Dawn of the Final Day


I was actually surprised when I heard the sound of this band for the first time. I didn't expect that they would have a female singer, as I thought it was going to be heavy with a bit of growling. The band manages to exceed my expectations, and I was enjoying their set. This was in tour for their release of their newest album called Resolve.

They had a bit of Dream Theater and Iron Maiden mixed into their sound, and they were on for quite a bit of a while. Being that this was also their first time coming to Canada, I would honestly like to go and see them again when they come around. I'll have to make sure that I spend some money at their merch table next time. After their set, I take the setlist off from the stage and I gave it to a fan of MindMaze who thanked me afterwards for the offer that I get the setlist for him.

MindMaze setlist:
  1. Abandon
  2. Back from the Edge
  3. Sign of Life
  4. One More Moment
  5. Destiny Calls
  6. This Holy War


After a bit of waiting, as well as hearing a bit of the traditional Russian music that might have been during their earliest years; the light grew dark with only the lights to illuminate the cover behind the drum kit. Then all of the members came out and they began to perform.

By the time they were already up on stage, the entire venue was already filled up with loads of fans. Into the second song, I could tell that a mosh pit was already starting up behind me, and I even had water flung in my direction, soaking the tour shirt I got. But egads, when I checked a few moments later; the shirt must have dried up so it must be a magical shirt. Nevertheless, I was focusing on both the band and what was going on behind me.

I couldn't understand half of the time what the lyrics were because it was all in Russian and I can't even read that language since English has always been my native language. They even had a bit of Nightwish inspiration in their music... possibly from the early to mid times when Tarja was in the band. Difference is, the singer Masha was growling. She looks really nice, and I enjoyed hearing her sing through the songs.

They've been here before a few times, but I would like to thank them for coming to Toronto again - even if it is my first time seeing the band. I hope I can have time to see them when they come again. Remind me to visit Moscow sometime in the future.

I tried to read the setlist that someone got, but I can't read Russian sadly.

The waiting began once again, and I decided to tip the merch lady once again while the waiting began. Since Arkona's set was over, a load of people who were there for the band left the venue after that, reducing the number of people staying to see the closing band. I was really excited, and was really happy to see them come up on stage when it was their time.

Emmanuelle's vocals were down to earth operatic when she was singing - almost reminding me of both Tarja and Dianne. She did a fantastic job on songs off of the new album like Dim Days of Dolor and Goddess of the Sea. Being that this is my first time seeing the band and hearing their music, I was completely blown away.

As I have friends who enjoy Sirenia like Mathias (in France) and Erin (in the US), I became aware of the band during the era when the previous singer Ailyn was in it. I know they are going to be quite happy that I got to meet the band and see them in concert. They did a phenomal job and an excellent closure to their first time in Canada after having gone through both Quebec City and Montreal.

Thank you Sirenia for a wonderful night! Come back to North America soon!

Sirenia setlist:
  1. Serpent
  2. Lost in Life
  3. Dim Days of Dolor
  4. My Destiny Coming to Pass
  5. Goddess of the Sea
  6. Treasure N' Treason
  7. Meridian
  8. Ashes to Ashes
  9. The End of It All
  10. Sons of the North
  11. Elusive Sun
  12. My Mind's Eye
  13. The Other Side
  14. The Path to Decay

And so wrapped up my concerts for the month of May, and I am finally able to get a bit of rest now after having gone to Montreal the week before. I went home, and was able to take a picture of the merch and signed items before going to bed.

I've already framed my posters of Sirenia and Xandria up on my bedroom wall, and I am looking forward to the next concert.

While the Sound of Music Fest at Spencer Smith Park is open, I still have to find out if one of my friends who suggested going to that show is available on that day to see it with me. If so, then it's a concert that I will write about.

For now though, the concerts coming up are big ones in July: Boston w/ Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, Iron Maiden w/ Ghost, Metallica w/ Avenged Sevenfold and Volbeat. A possible band I might see in that month is Dragonforce with Once Human opening for them.

Those are something to look forward to.

\m/ Brayden \m/


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