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Montreal and Toronto Adventures - Two Nights of Xandria

I have returned from my trip to Montreal as of a few days ago, and I almost have no words to describe what it was like to be by myself in the province of Quebec.

My alarm clock set off at the right time in the morning, and I was able to eat some breakfast before grabbing my baggage and heading on my way to the train station to get to the city of Toronto. Being that it is where I could catch the VIA Rail train, I made sure to check if I had everything I needed. Only ended up forgetting about bringing the markers for the band to sign the three CDs I was bringing, but I felt it was good.

The seat on the train was quite comfy and the inside almost felt like a mix between the express trains from the Netherlands and the interior of an airplane. The train began to move out from Union Station, and my nervousness was coming back to me at every moment it could, but I was able to calm down while en route to Montreal.

On the train, they had a trolley of light snacks coming around every once in a while. I managed to grab a snack myself being that they had the small chocolate brownies for only $3. I sat there for a while and looked out of the window, watching the trees go by and seeing what the countryside looked like from Mid-Ontario.

Soon after, I was seeing the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport in the distance on the final stop before reaching Central Station in that city I've wanted to visit for a very long time... probably back as a kid. I step off of the train, go upstairs to the mainline, purchasing a set of three markers to get the band to sign stuff and I head outside, making a turn to the right street. (I also purchased a Mother's Day card to give to my mother.)

There I was, in the shining city of Montreal, Quebec!

This museum was the first sight that I laid eyes upon as soon as I got into the city. Didn't go in because of limited time. What I did after was that I headed to the hotel where I booked my room and got my hotel key. I dropped off my stuff in the room, and was ready to see the concert soon after. But first I decided to check out a few things that I passed by.

A monument of the first Prime Minister of Canada, John MacDonald.

Sabaton is probably the first thing that came to mind when I took this photo.

After I had checked out a few of the monuments around the city, I stepped into Burger King to grab some dinner that I ate in the restaurant. It was the usual that I had: A plain burger with fries and an apple juice. But hey, they don't call it fast food for nothing, so what do you expect? After that, I walk across to where people were talking about the refugees with the tents around and displaying how I can help them.

Friends have told me that the people of Quebec can be very arrogant with the 'French' language, and advised me about it. But to be honest, they can actually speak English really good and I never did catch a glimpse of arrogance when they spoke. They all were quite friendly people around, and there was no sense of rude people in sight. If my friend Mathias ever comes to Canada, the first place I want to show him around after he sees Toronto is to see Montreal. He would love it!

The venue for tonight's show was the Foufounes Electriques. From what I heard, Lordi was supposed to play here, but the venue was too small for them so therefore that had to move it to another bigger venue of their size. There were a few people here for the show that I saw, getting ready for the Meet and Greet. Only a few were going for the show, and it was the typical formula of seeing fans at the venue early; having a drink of beer beforehand.

The VIP doors opened up at 6:00pm, and I was the first in line to head into the venue for the Meet & Greet. I was given a laminate and a lanyard along with a poster. One fan who had the VIP as well, approached and corrected an issue that he overheard the VIP lady who was also the merch lady have. Since I was also going to the Toronto M&G, she accidentally marked that off; but then undid it so I could have the opportunity to meet them again on the next night.

Me and the fans entered into a separate room, and waited for the band to come out. All of them do, and I was the first to approach them. Dianne was the first member that caught onto my sights, and I told her that I waited five years to see the band in concert before turning to have my photo taken.

After the M&G, me and the other VIP members went to the merch table to collect our free shirt. They were extremely limited in inventory; so I selected the one with the tour dates and picked the other one on the second night. (A picture of the M&G in Toronto...)

When I had picked out my shirt(s), I went outside being first in line again as I came out first from the Meet & Greet, and the doors to the public opened up at 7pm, placing a stamp onto my hand and allowing me entry into the venue.

I took my spot at the front of the stage, and began to make the big wait for Xandria to perform, but first came the opening acts.


This was a local band from Montreal from what I know so far. I felt like they did a very good job for quite a short set. I was right in front of the singer for the show, and he rocked out with the guitar. Everyone else performed well for the local act. A wonderful start to the night.

Once Human

This being my first time seeing Once Human, I was quite blown away by how good the music was like. It almost reminded me of when I was seeing The Agonist when they were opening for Epica. The vocalist Laura Hart can really growl!

During their set, I thought one of the members playing their instrument was going to fall right into the crowd with the thought that there was going to be crowd-surfing, even by the genre they were playing as a melodic death metal band. To my surprise, there was no mosh pit at all for the entire show, not even for the headliner. Guess they aren't that kind of band for that.

I might see Once Human again, as they will be opening for Dragonforce this July at the Opera House, so it'll be interesting to see.

Kobra & The Lotus

I recall seeing this band opening for KISS back in 2014 when the Budweiser Stage was still called the Molson Amphitheatre. At the time, they were quite a phenomenal band and I was surprised to see a band like that opening for the classic hard rockers.

Cue to three years later, and here I am seeing them again; but in the front row.

As usual, Kobra Paige manages to bring out magnificent vocals to the music in concert that you only really enjoy seeing the band perform live than hearing their music on an album they made. It's a guarantee that will have you throwing money to get their merch while begging for more from them.

Thank you for another good show KATL, and thank you for another wicked show!

Kobra and the Lotus Setlist:
  1. Gotham
  2. Triggerpulse
  3. Specimen X
  4. Hold On
  5. Soldier
  6. Hell on Earth
  7. You Don't Know
  8. 50 Shades of Evil


At last after a bit of tweaking to test the sound, there comes the sound of the epic intro for the very first song on the setlist which would be the first song on their new album; and it would be a really good start to the show as well. Each of the members came up on stage with the drummer Gerit Lamm being first as any other drummer goes on first.

Dianne came onto the stage, and then the house began to literally rock by itself. They played a lot of my new favorites in the current line-up as well as during the Manuela Kraller era during Neverworld's End. They played favorites like Where the Heart is Home, Call of Destiny, Voyage of the Fallen, Stardust and Ravenheart.

I belted out to two of their songs We Are Murderers (We All) and Burn Me. It felt really good to hear them playing those songs before my own ears, even though the cymbals from the drums were drowning out the orchestra a bit, but I didn't mind.

During the show, when they weren't playing any songs; Dianne interacted with us a lot. She asked us if we had the new album. All of us cheer and raise our horns. Then she asked if any of us downloaded the album. I could hear one guy in the back of the venue, just yelling out that he did. All she does is smile, and shake her head. Then she tells them that they also have their albums at the merch table. (Which did have Neverworld's End to Theater of Dimensions, plus the Deluxe editions too.)

When the show was coming to a close, all of the audience who wanted an encore began to sing to the Habs chant. I found myself chanting along with them since Montreal is known quite well for being the hometown of the Habs Nation. From there, Dianne is up on the balcony and asks if we want to have more songs which we all scream "Yes!" for. They finished off the night with two songs and then made a bow to the audience before heading off stage.

Thank you Xandria for two wonderful nights of metal! Please do come back soon to Canada!

Xandria Setlist:
  1. Where the Heart is Home
  2. Call of Destiny
  3. Euphoria
  4. Forsaken Love
  5. Voyage of the Fallen
  6. Ravenheart
  7. Stardust
  8. We Are Murderers (We All)
  9. The Undiscovered Land
  10. Death to the Holy
  11. Nightfall
  12. Cursed
  13. Burn Me
  14. Valentine

When the show wrapped up, I took the setlist off from the stage; getting it signed the next day in Toronto! 😄 I also gave a bunch of tips to the merch lady at the table which she was really happy to see me tipping her, because why not? It was a band I waited to see for a long time, and now had the opportunity of seeing twice in two days.

I got back to the hotel, and managed to get some rest before leaving for Toronto the next day by the VIA Rail early in the morning. Even the streets of Montreal were very quiet with almost not a single car in sight. Guess the people there love to really wear themselves out and oversleep, haha!

These were the merch that I gathered from the two shows in the span of two days: the only two shirt designs at the merch table, two signed posters, two signed laminates with lanyards, a setlist (which isn't in the pictures) and all three of the guitar picks that were being sold at the merch table.

Next experience to talk about will be when I managed to see Sirenia on their debut North American tour when they came through into Toronto for the first time.

When that's wrapped up, I will continue my reviews of the first four Xandria albums that featured their past singer, Lisa Middlehauve.

\m/ Brayden \m/


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