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Showing posts from 2017

November 2017 - A Missed Opportunity

Hello everyone! How is everyone doing? I'd like to first off apologize for the long delay of posting for a while as I have been doing my own thing which also includes being at work. Not exactly the easiest you know. I've delayed a hella lot on concert reviews and thoughts, but I will most likely have one coming up in early December, with an album review coming before. Well, since I missed writing for October, I will be including 10 songs for this blog post for favorite songs of November 2017. 10. Animals as Leaders - On Impulse I recall that this was the first AAL song that I have heard, which includes one of my favorite guitar players ever: Tosin Abasi. For this album and as a guitar player in general, he uses an eight-string guitar, and uses the bottom string as part of bass. This would probably be one of my favorites as well as a few others. 9. Between the Buried and Me - Lay Your Ghosts to Rest At least one or two of my friends have recommended this band t...

Open Up Your Eyes - My Thoughts on 'My Little Pony: The Movie'

October 6, 2017 was proven for myself to be one of the best days I've ever lived, period. If someone went back in time to mid-2012 and told me that special day was going to happen, I would have denied it personally and dusted it off as a rumor. I had my ticket that I bought off the Cineplex website printed off from earlier after the Roger Waters concert the night before. I was all set to go and see My Little Pony: The Movie . Before then, I was able to grab all four issues of the Prequel comics that got into an easy backstory for at least the four characters that would be introduced in the movie. It at least gave me an idea on what to expect from the said characters. The city of Toronto looked quite cloudy, but there wasn't going to be any rain to my own relief until the next day which was a Saturday. I stopped off there in the afternoon at 2pm, heading off to Burger King to grab a quick lunch before heading to the Cineplex at Yonge and Dundas. Pre-show selfie bef...

September 2017 - I Can See a Rainbow

Hello again. Time for another Top 5 of the Month! 5. Delain - Sing to Me Probably one of my favorites from The Human Contradiction , as it features one of my favorite bassists of all-time singing with Charlotte for this song, Marco Hietala. They have performed this song live on numerous occasions, so I'd have to be lucky on hearing this if they had Nightwish or Tarot co-headlining with them. 4. Ayreon - Star of Sirrah A stunning, yet beautiful song with the wonderful voices of James LaBrie, Floor Jansen, Russell Allen, Tobias Sammet and various others all with the help of the Dutch legend, Arjen Anthony Lucassen. This song like all the past Ayreon albums has a beautiful vibe, creating imagination. This song makes me picture others leaving their dystopian world to find a new one in the far reaches of space. 3. Alice Cooper - Brutal Planet I have once again heard this song after wondering 'what the hell is this wonderful song' made by the American ...

Some Musical Concert Evenings and a Fan Expo Journey

I apologize to all my readers who haven't seen me post in a while! I've been really caught up with a bit of my fanfiction writing, and it has gotten me so distracted from writing about the past concert experiences this early September! If you know me though, I will do what I must on my own schedule, and I need to coordinate it better. Before I start, I was just recently at Fan Expo this September. It was my fourth time going there, and I as usual am looking forward to going again next year. I was with the two of my friends Emily and Tiffany there, and it felt like something special that way. Last year's Fan Expo despite my meetings with Charles Martinet and Andrea Libman... it felt lonely without someone there to talk to. Still, met loads of cosplayers at the time. For this year's Fan Expo, I was able to meet not one, but three different people there. I met the voices of Belle and the Beast from the 1991 Disney animation classic "Beauty and the Beast"...

August 2017 - Happy Birthday to Me

Today is my birthday, as you all know. Exciting isn't it? Anyhoo, we'll just go to my Top 5 Picks for the month - and all of them are based on my favorite all-time band: Nightwish. 5. Angels Fall First From their debut album released 20 years ago, this is their title track for such a wonderful album. When I heard this album for the first time, I had already gone through the others and had to listen to this one and Century Child next. This one was very much like an acoustic ballad, and it made me imagine that I was in a wintery forest for this song. Whenever I think of Nightwish, I picture mostly the season of winter no matter where I am. 4. Seven Days to the Wolves One of my favorites when others ask me of what songs I enjoy out of the Anette era of Nightwish. I actually have used this song as inspiration for a fanfiction that I am currently working on, and a lot of stuff from Dark Passion Play has helped me in writing it. 3. Elan Before the release...

July 2017 - Here I Am To Live The Tale

Title of this blog post really threw you off, didn't it? Lol nope, nothing to do with the movie Top Gun even though I really love that movie, especially the character Ice Man. He's one character everyone should look up to. Yes, this is another post at the end of every month of my selected favorites for the month of July. Five songs, and a few of them are influenced from the concerts I've seen. So here you go... prepare your butts. Before I begin, I would like to congratulate my friend Emily or as known as "The Redheaded Nerd" for adopting this kind of technique. She'll find it to be more easier for her to adapt to, though I did enjoy MMSW. 5. Joan Jett and the Blackhearts - Bad Reputation I think I can relate quite well to this song's standards. This one really speaks out to me about how everyone is taunting my different tastes (Being a brony, liking heavy metal music, my different personality, collecting setlists/picks/autographs, etc.) and ...

Hardwired... at the Speed of Light

After a good couple months of waiting for it to actually happen, I can now say that I have lived two epic days of my life seeing two bands on Saturday that I've seen already. On Sunday it was my first time ever catching this one band, thus I have now completed on seeing all of the Big Four at last! I was seeing both Iron Maiden with Ghost , and Metallica . I waited 15 years to actually see Metallica which means I was 8 years old at the time. I was too young to go to concerts and the last time they were here was back in 2008 / 2009. Being that they don't really tour anymore, they are more likely to play at Heavy MTL in Montreal, Quebec. I ended up buying the ticket as part of the fanclub pre-sale days before they went on sale to the public. Before I get into that, I will tell you all about my experience with Iron Maiden w/ Ghost . Iron Maiden w/ Ghost - July 15, 2017 (Fourth Ritual for Ghost) This would be my third time seeing Iron Maiden as I see it be...